Travelling in the Ústí district (DÚK)

The Verkehrsverbund DÚK in the Ústi district is situated in the north of the Czech Republic. It borders on the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO).

Trains in the Ústí district (DÚK)

From the Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe (VVO) you can get to destinations in the Ústí district on these trains:

  • RegionalExpress RE 20: Dresden – Litoměřice
    Last stop in the VVO: Schöna
  • Nationalparkbahn U 28: Rumburk – Bad Schandau – Děčín
    Last stop in the VVO: Sebnitz and Schöna

The Elbe-Labe ticket, the Deutsche Bahn's Saxony-Bohemia ticket and the international rail tariff apply to your entire journey from the VVO area. If you are only using the Nationalparkbahn (U 28) for your journey, you can use a ticket under the cheap Regiotariff Schluckenau-Elbe.

Bild Tariftipp Elbe-Labe-Ticket

Elbe-Labe ticket

Ústecký Kraj (Ústí district) and the VVO offer the Elbe-Labe ticket (Jízdenka Labe-Elbe) for journeys to and from the Czech Republic. The ticket is valid all day throughout the VVO area and on most buses and trains in the Ústí district.

Bild Sachsen-Böhmen-Ticket (DB)

Saxony-Bohemia ticket

The Saxony-Bohemia ticket is offered by Deutsche Bahn. It is valid for one day for excursions and trips from many points in Saxony to many destinations in Northern Bohemia. Whether alone or in a group.

National Park line (U 28)

Regiotariff Schluckenau-Elbe

On the Nationalparkbahn (U 28) through Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland – the connection between Rumburk – Dolní Poustevna – Sebnitz – Bad Schandau – Děčín. The VVO tariff applies in the VVO area on this route. If you are travelling on to the Czech Republic, the Regiotariff Schluckenau-Elbe applies as well as Elbe-Labe tickets.

Buses in the Ústí district (DÚK)

Bus route 217: (Pirna –) Bahratal Grenze – Tisá – Rosenthal

Cross-border bus line 217: (Pirna -) Bahratal border - Petrovice - Tisá - Rosenthal (- Königstein or Pirna)

  • Last stop in the VVO: Bahratal border

Hiking bus line 217 runs in the hiking season from April to October, from the Bahratal border to Rosenthal via Petrovice, Tisá and Sněžník.

For your journey with bus line 217 in the Czech area (between "Bahratal border" and "Rosenthal, footpath to Schneeberg" a special tariff of RVSOE GmbH applies:

  • Day ticket normal 2,00 Euro (50 CZK)
  • Day ticket reduced 1,50 Euro (40 CZK)
    (reduced: pupils up to 15th birthday)
  • Bicycle + BicycleBUS: Up to 16 bicycles can be transported. Bicycles can be carried free of charge on the Czech part of line 217.

In addition, you can use the Elbe-Labe-Ticket on the entire route.

Special tariff in force since 1 April 2018

Bus route 360/398: Dresden – Altenberg – Teplice

  • Last stop in the VVO: Zinnwald turning area

This line takes you directly from Dresden via Altenberg, Zinnwald, Cinovec to Teplice. The bus travels as line 360 from Dresden to Altenberg. As cross-border line from Altenberg to Teplice it then becomes line 398. There is a border-crossing fee on line 398. The Elbe-Labe ticket is accepted.

As at: 1 August 2024

Bus route 435: Schmilka – Hřensko – Česká Kamenice

Bus route 452: Bahratal – Ústí n.L. – Verneřice

Ferries in the Ústí district (DÚK)

Cruise ship

Cruise ship (cross-border)

You will see the rocky world of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland from a very different perspective from the deck of the cruise ship. During the season the motor vessel makes the return trip from Bad Schandau, via Krippen/ Postelwitz and Schmilka, to Hrensko four times each day.

Bild Wanderschiff in die Sächsisch-Böhmische Schweiz

Schöna (D) – Hřensko (CZ) ferry

Both the Elbe-Labe ticket and the Czech Jízdenka Labe-Elbe are accepted on this cross-border Elbe ferry. Other VVO tickets are not accepted on the ferry.