Lost & found
It is all too easy to leave behind items on a train, bus, tram or on a seat at the station. For some people, it happens rarely; for others, more often. But it's always sad when a favourite soft toy, umbrella, phone or other valuable possession goes missing.
We are here to help you find your lost property
You can contact the VVO hotline team at 03 51 / 852 65 55, and they will be glad to help.
They will put you in touch with the relevant contact person at the location where the lost property was handed in.
Would you like to get in touch directly with the transport company?
Do you already know which transport company operates the line on which you lost an item? Then you can enquire directly with the transport company in question.
Out and about in Dresden city traffic
Travelling on trains owned by...
Travelling around the region
The bus companies’ service centres are the point of contact if you have lost something. When the drivers finish their shift, or the next working day, anything which has been found is taken to the nearest service centre.
So please contact the relevant customer centre.