The VVO team


Burkhard Ehlen

CEO of ZVOE and VVO GmbH

The VVO mediates between the interests of passengers, companies and policy makers.

Together we are developing a high quality local transport network for Dresden and the region as a whole.


Peter Kreher

Head of Finance/Tariff

The Finance department is responsible for the association's budget and for distributing revenues between the association's transport companies.

It upgrades the VVO tariff, monitors SPNV (regional rail) transport contracts, and looks after the transport association's basic contracts.



Gabriele Clauss

Head of Marketing

This department shapes the VVO's image. Functions range from generating printed media, through creating promotional campaigns, providing a presence at events, organising conferences and websites, blog and Facebook pages.

Press Officer/Customer Service

Christian Schlemper

Press Officer/Head of Customer Service

The department represents the VVO outwardly, and mediates with passengers. It is the point of contact for the press, publishes press releases, publishes the VVO's customer magazine and the association's reports, and provides information to the information hotline and head office.


Alexander Nareike

Head of Law/HR

The unit is responsible for all legal and HR issues within the VVO. It is the point of contact for job applications, it supports contract tenders for regional rail transport, ensures committee work is done correctly, and manages the evolution of the association's contracts.


Martin Haase

Head of Tariff/Sales

The department deals with any sales-related issues within the VVO: Working with the transport companies, it makes it easier to buy tickets, agrees partnerships with cultural, sporting, social and tourist bodies, develops new sales channels and keeps all the company's staff informed about tariffs and timetables.


Lutz Auerbach

Head of Transport

The department manages rail transport tenders, organises regional rail transport and works with the companies to coordinate timetables throughout the VVO area. The department is also responsible for the information media and for processing the association's data.

Competence Centre Tariffs

Jörg Büttner

Head of Kompetenzcenter Sachsen-Tarif

The Kompetenzcenter Sachsen-Tarif is financed by the state government and develops a single fare system for trips between Saxon transport associations. Is was established at the VVO but cooperates closely with the State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport as well as the other Saxon transport associations.