
When cyclists get tired, they like to use bus & train to get to their destination.

The following tickets are available in the VVO for taking bicycles with you.

  • Bicycle day ticket
    (1 tariff zone or VVO area)
  • Day ticket Elbe-Labe
  • Monthly cycling pass

Cycle day ticket prices and validity



Bicycle day ticket11

1 fare zone3 2,20 €
VVO region 3,30 €

Bicycle day ticket

VVO region +
district of Ústí
4,00 €
Monthly ticket bicycle11
valid: see monthly pass
VVO region 20,00 €
Germany ticket plus take
away (subscription ticket)14
Calendar month
VVO region + 10,00 €13

As at: 1 April 2024

3 according to ticket imprint
11 can also be used for a bike trailer or a dog
13 valid all day for bike/dog and Monday to Friday from 6 pm to 4 am and on weekends and holidays all day for 1 adult + max.
4 pupils until the 15th birthday

14 only valid in combination with a Germany ticket issued to the same user name

Information on taking bicycles with you

Bicycles can be taken on S-Bahn trains, trams and buses in the designated carriages.

Please remember, however, that only as many bicycles can be taken on board as can be carried without endangering or inconveniencing other passengers. In individual cases, the operating staff will decide on the number of bicycles to be taken on board.

Passengers with prams and wheelchair users have priority over bicycles at all times.

Details on the carriage of bicycles, belongings and animals can be found in the "small print".

Is there a guarantee that my cycle will be accepted on board?

Cycles are only permitted to a limited degree on trains, buses, trams, ferries and the special tourist services. Prams and wheelchairs will always be given priority.

The number of cycles that can be accepted is limited to the number which can be carried without endangering or inconveniencing other passengers. In individual cases, vehicle staff have discretion over whether cycles can be carried.

Cycles with a combustion engine and unconventional designs (e.g. load carriers) are not permitted.

Price levels

Price level A

For journeys within one fare Zone (outside Dresden fare Zone) as printed on the ticket. 

VVO Region

For journeys in the whole VVO region. 

Bicycle incl.: Tip for (subscription) monthly pass holders

As a monthly travelcard or monthly travelcard holder, as well as pupils with the BildungsTicket or with the AzubiTicket VVO, you can take your bicycle with you free of charge within the corresponding tariff zone(s).

Taking cycles on special tourist services

Narrow gauge railways

Taking bikes on the Radebeul–Radeburg Railway and the Weisseritz Valley Railway is no problem, because the narrow gauge trains have a luggage / bike compartment with space for 30 bikes.

Dresden Funicular Railway

A maximum of four bikes may be carried on the Funicular Railway. Please note that bikes will need to be carried up/down several steps.

Dresden Suspension Railway

The Suspension Railway has a luggage section in each compartment at the top and bottom. Each will take up to seven bicycles.

Kirnitzsch Valley Tramway

The Kirnitzsch Valley Tramway can only carry a limited number of bicycles.

Meissen city tour

Bicycles cannot be taken on the Meissen city tour shuttle buses.

Taking cycles on ferries

Taking cycles on the Elbe ferries is no problem at all. At busy periods the ferries are constantly criss-crossing the river. So if there is no room for you and your bike, you won't have to wait long.

Just sit back, cross over and cycle on the other side of the Elbe!

On the Elbe ferries under the VVO tariff the cycle day ticket can be used within its geographical and time limits. If, while you are cycling, you only wish to use the ferry, you just pay the actual ferry fare.

Journey with bicycle or dog beyond the VVO

If you are travelling with your bicycle beyond the VVO, you will need a local transport day ticket for bicycles (Deutschlandtarif) at a price of € 6.00 (as of 13 December 2020) in addition to the Deutschlandticket.

If you travel with your dog beyond the VVO, larger dogs count as passengers and are charged like an adult person (booking under the term "dog" instead of a passenger. Small dogs (up to the size of a domestic cat) can travel free of charge in the transport container.

All information is subject to Change.