Tariff documents

VVO tariff: Conditions of carriage and tariff regulations

Here there is an overview of all the conditions of carriage and the VVO tariff regulations. You can download them, save them or print them out.

Part name status
Part 1

Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe tariff - Part 1
(PDF, 685 KB)

Tarifinformationen, Fahrpreise, Übersichten

Part 1

Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe tariff - Part 2
(PDF, 849 KB)

Part A (Conditions of carriage)
Part B (Tariff regulations)
Part C (Special regulations/special offers)
Part D (Appendices)

Appendix 1 The Partners in the VVO (PDF, 45 KB)  
Appendix 2 Special provisions concerning the conditions of carriage (PDF, 50 KB)  
Appendix 3 Charges and fees  
Appendix 4 General Terms and Conditions for providing VVO customer guarantees
(PDF, 61 KB)
Appendix 5 Route directory (PDF, 412 KB)  
Appendix 6 Tariff zone plan for fast lines (PDF, 373 KB)
Tariff zone map with route network (PDF, 1.1 MB)
Appendix 7

Price table English (PDF, 41 KB)

Appendix 8 Prices for special tourist services (PDF, 84 KB)  
Tariff matrix and Prica table for the Bus 398 (50 KB)  
Appendix 9 Abo-pass and annual pass regulations (PDF, 49 KB)  
Appendix 10 Deutschlandticket (ticket for Germany) (PDF)  


Other provisions on the tariff

  name status
1 Local and stop directory – stops, lines, tariff zone allocation (PDF, 444)  
2 Overview of VVO short journeys: www.vvo-online.de/Kurzstrecke

Regiotarif Schluckenau-Elbe (U 28)  – Conditions of carriage (PDF, 301 KB)

- Single trip (PDF, 103 KB)
- Bicycle and dog (PDF, 68 KB)
- 7-day-ticket (PDF, 93 KB)
- 30-day-ticket (PDF, 98 KB)
- 90-day-ticket (PDF, 117 KB)


Tariff regulations for FerienTicket Saxony (FTS) (PDF, 37 KB)

5 Linienverzeichnis Elbe-Labe-Ticket (PDF, 1,4 MB)  
6 General Terms and Conditions (GTC) HandyTicket Deutschland for the VVO area (PDF)  

Deutschlandtarif: The Deutschlandtarifverbund-GmbH takes over the tasks of the Tarifverband der Bundeseigenen und Nichtbundeseigenen Eisenbahnen in Deutschland (TBNE): Tariff conditions Deutschlandtarif

VVO tariff brochure  

Titel Broschüre VVO-Tarif im Detail

The detailed VVO tariff brochure provides all the key information in a handy format: tariff information, fares, information about reductions and special tariffs, and summaries and explanations.

Titel Broschüre VVO-Tarif im Detail - Kleingedrucktes

This brochure is the 2nd part of the VVO tariff brochure.
It compiles the conditions of travel, tariff rules, special regulations and offers, and appendices.